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Mental Health Survey

The goal of this anonymous survey was to better understand the society's view of mental health, as well as its state in the world around us.

If you want to answer the survey, you can do so here.

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You’ll notice in this first graph that the majority of people still believe the Chemical Imbalance theory as a valid theory, which, along with the also high percentage of people who weren’t aware of this theory, attests to the lack of education around mental disorders and their causes.

Going further into the detail and not so visible, in this graph the percentages of the answer "I'm aware but I don't have an opinion" are decreasing up to the age group of 19-24 years. From here to over 50s, the percentage does not change much, remaining almost constant. These statistics show us that older people do not give it as much importance as they do to other less taboo topics and although adults are usually more informed than children, this is not the case. Once again this shows the lack of education.  


On the other hand, the second graph shows us that most people believe that mental illnesses are genetic, which has some truth in it, even if it’s more complicated than that, however a lot of people also answered “no” or that they never thought about this topic, which is also an indicator of a lack of education. Additionally, we can also observe that there is an increase of the answer “I have never thought about this topic” as the age groups become higher, which fundaments the previous conclusion.

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Finally, in the last graph, we can observe the influence the pandemic has had in our society and understand the overwhelming negative impact it has had to people of all ages. Most answers are between 5 and 8, but 9 and 10 also have a concerning amount of answers.


In terms of mental illnesses being a taboo topic, we can conclude that most people agree that it is in fact still taboo, however, like we can see in the previous graphs, people are not making an effort to normalize conversations about mental health and mental health education, and thus, by not actively trying to destigmatize this topic, they contribute to its toxic culture.

Lastly, from the last diagram, we can conclude that women are generally more comfortable admitting that they seek help from mental health professionals, since the difference in percentage of men willing to admit this is much smaller than the women’s. This happens because in our society women are defined as “emotional”, which definitely has its problems, but, in this case, it provides an environment more comfortable for conversations about mental issues. On the other hand, men are meant to be “strong” and not show vulnerability at all, which leads them to supress their emotions and problems until breaking points, instead of dealing with them in a healthy way.

Methods people use to help themselves or others

We also asked people to share the methods they use to help themselves or others in the moments when the mental condition is more fragile. We obviously can’t share all the answers, but the more recurrent ones were seeking professional help, medication, meditation, talking to friends and family, physical exercise, breathing exercises and other distractions. Here we can see another way this pandemic has affected people mentally, since for a lot of them going outside to clear their heads is a coping mechanism they could no longer utilize during this time.

© 2021 por Quarteto das Princesas.

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